Achievements are accomplishments that you do in the game. Achievements are for more than just bragging rights, they actually grant your character items and bonuses.
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Select from Training, Normal, Rough and Brutal game difficulty settings and 2 other bonus hidden game difficulty settings partnered with 4 puzzle difficulty settings. If you are a casual, a hardcore or just a first-time gamer you have options that are tailored toward your skill level.
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The game font is adjustable to improve visibility and readability of the game's dialogue and menus. This also can be useful in cases where distance from your TV or monitor are of concern.
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Your character can befriend the merchant by use of his Communication skill improving chances to get a special deal from the merchant. Special deals mean special prices which are also influenced by your character's Communication skill.
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Features that are commonly standard in today's games and various other minor features.
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Just like the old school, retro styled games where you could die so many times until you ran out of lives. Number of lives is dependant on the game difficulty setting chosen.
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Natural Skills are skills that a character possesses that are capable of growing as they use them. These kinds of skills' growths are typically not capped allowing for unlimited growth. Some Natural Skills are: Communication, Fighting Ability, Sorcery, Science and Accuracy.
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The shop can be upgraded with resources. Being perceptive will help you gather more resources and can give you access to better equipment in the shop.
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Although there are a few parts of the game that use Random Encounters, most of the combat encounters are visible characters and will not begin until your character collides with them.
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Vortum Jewels are an in-game currency that allows the user to cheat the rules of the game. for example, one can be used to revive a character from the dead. These jewels are accumulated by completing Achievements.
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