Kingdom Legends®: The Dark Abyss
Female Heroine
The Early Years
She was born in a large city outside the capital of the Eastern continent in the year 67 of the Secundum Bellum Era. The part of the city that she was born wasn't the safest and with the new addition to the family, her parents soon moved to the Southern Continent where she could be raised for a better life. Her parents loved her dearly and raised her as best they could. Her parents did not survive long into her young adult years leading her to a very independent life style early on. Her curiosity and bravery guided her into many difficult situations which would later develop into a personal reputation of hers. Her years of rough and tumble nature would make her a perfect candidate for a position in the Royal Guard at Castle Lionhelm. However, this wasn't an era where women would be accepted for positions of this kind. For her to become a soldier of the Royal Guard would not be so easy. After much rejection, she catches the King of Lionhelm's attention and later joins the Royal Guard.
Recent Years
he has
spent several years in the Royal Guard and has become well respected in
her career. She has been selected for a critical mission with three
other individuals for the King. She, of course, takes it without thought
of consequence. Her dominant trait of bravery prevailed leading her to
dangers beyond her wildest imaginations. The odds of her surviving
this mission are nearly impossible but her ambitions and background
prepare her beyond that of any one else in the kingdom. In the next
chapter of her life, she finds herself within Castle Lionhelm's throne
room where a very important meeting is about to take place.
*No additional details are available for this character at this time. Check back again soon!