
Welcome to LegacySoft Entertainment

Mission Statement
LegacySoft's goal is to provide customized, quality entertainment for people of vast age ranges, genders and races.  Our primary focus is that of PC gaming and interactive software.  Our focus is targeted toward fun factor, creative design and addictive game play rather than simply flashy graphics.

Current Focus
We are currently focused on designing new 16-bit style video games.  Our current project is specialized in a fantasy-based RPG game series entitled, Kingdom Legends.  The first of the series is The Dark Abyss.  Learn more about it on the Games page.

Current Game Theory & Values
Keep it simple, but allow the complexities to grow as you go.  Enjoy the experience without the intimidation.

Current News
Kingdom Legends - The Dark Abyss Teaser Released
Wed, 01 Apr 2015 20:20:00 GMT
Legacysoft Entertainment is proud to release the teaser for our first title: Kingdom Legends - The Dark Abyss

Choose your class:
 - The Warrior - Battle hardened soldier and master of melee combat

- The Paladin - Formidable healer and experienced swordsman

- The Sage Knight - Formidable spell caster and experienced swordsman

Enter the Abyss:
- Battle through the abyss and discover it's terrible secrets
- Master its puzzles

Fulfill the prophecy!
New Character Released for Kingdom Legends: The Dark Abyss
Sat, 22 Feb 2014 23:07:02 GMT
Project Status Update
Mon, 19 Aug 2013 19:56:24 GMT
Project Status Update - Kingdom Legends®: The Dark Abyss...
Learn more >>
Kingdom Legends News - New Villain Information Released
Mon, 10 Jun 2013 20:52:00 GMT
Kingdom Legends News - New Screenshots Released
Fri, 09 Nov 2012 18:06:31 GMT

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